Usage examples

The following examples give you an idea of what can be done with PyPresseportal, featuring some of the functionalities of the library. However, PyPresseportal has several additional functions that are not part of these examples. You can find more information about all available classes, methods, and attributes in the Modules Documentation.

Police and fire department press releases from a specific state

Use the get_public_service_specific_region() method to request press releases from public service offices in a specific region.

First, this method requires a region_code argument, as defined in this list: For example, "by" is the region code for Bavaria:

>>> from pypresseportal import PresseportalApi
>>> api_object = PresseportalApi(YOUR_API_KEY)
>>> bavaria_stories = api_object.get_public_service_specific_region(region_code="by", limit=20)

Note that this example also includes the optional argument limit=20, which limits the response to the 20 most recently published stories:

>>> len(bavaria_stories)

Iterate over the list to extract some of the attributes of each Story object:

>>> for story in bavaria_stories:
>>>     print(story.title)
>>>     print(story.body)
POL-MFR: (797) Warnung vor "falschen Polizeibeamten"
Nürnberg (ots)
In den letzten Tagen registrierte die mittelfränkische Polizei zahlreiche Hinweise

The Modules Documentation contains more information about all possible attributes a Story object can have: pypresseportal.Story

Press releases with images

Use the media attribute available to most methods in PyPresseportal to limit the API’s response to stories containing a specific media type (available media types are listed at

This code requests the 10 most recent news stories featuring an image, by passing media="image":

>>> from pypresseportal import PresseportalApi
>>> api_object = PresseportalApi(YOUR_API_KEY)
>>> stories_with_image = api_object.get_stories(media="image", limit=10)

Read the relevant attributes for each story, such as .image which contains json data about image media files that are part of the story:

>>> for story in stories_with_image:
>>>     print(story.title)
>>>     print(story.image)
Das Erste: Richtiges Rezept für den Sieg? Tim Mälzer und Steffen Henssler treten an gegen Jörg Pilawas "Quizduell-Olymp" am Freitag, 19. Juni 2020, 18:50 Uhr im Ersten (FOTO)
[{'id': '679851', 'url': '', 'name': '1-f313-quizduell-olymp-2020.jpg', 'size': '2371804', 'mime': 'image/jpeg', 'type': 'image', 'caption': 'ARD QUIZDUELL-OLYMP, FOLGE 313, "Steffen Henssler und Tim Mälzer", am Freitag (19.06.20) um 18:50 Uhr im ERSTEN.\nDie Kandidaten des Teams "Köche": Steffen Henssler (l.) und Tim Mälzer (r.), beide TV-Köche.\n© ARD/Uwe Ernst, honorarfrei - Verwendung gemäß der AGB im engen inhaltlichen, redaktionellen Zusammenhang mit genannter ARD-Sendung bei Nennung "Bild: ARD/Uwe Ernst" (S2). ARD-Programmdirektion/Bildredaktion, Tel: 089/5900-23534, Weiterer Text über ots und / Die Verwendung dieses Bildes ist für redaktionelle Zwecke honorarfrei. Veröffentlichung bitte unter Quellenangabe: "obs/ARD Das Erste"'}]

Press releases from police and fire departments in a specific city

Combine the methods get_entity_search_results() and get_public_service_specific_office() to access all available public service office press releases for a specific city.

First, initialize the API and search for all available offices in a city. Use the argument entity='office' to search for public service offices. Use the argument search_term to pass the city you are searching for, for example “Dortmund”:

>>> from pypresseportal import PresseportalApi
>>> api_object = PresseportalApi(YOUR_API_KEY)
>>> search_results = api_object.get_entity_search_results(search_term=["Dortmund"], entity="office")

Three public service offices are available in Dortmund:

>>> for office in search_results:
>>>     print(,
4971 Polizei Dortmund
115869 Feuerwehr Dortmund
121242 Hauptzollamt Dortmund

Next, store the offices’ .id attributes in a list:

>>> local_office_ids = []
>>> for data in search_results:
>>>     local_office_ids.append(

Finally, use get_public_service_specific_office() to access the most recent press releases of those three offices:

>>> for office in local_office_ids:
>>>     office_data = api_object.get_public_service_specific_office(id=office, limit=4)
>>>     for story in office_data:
>>>         print(story.title)
>>>         print(story.body)
POL-DO: Mehrere Fahrzeuge in Dortmund-Dorstfeld beschädigt - Polizei sucht Zeugen
Dortmund (ots) - Lfd. Nr.: 0628

Instead of get_public_service_specific_office(), you can use get_stories_specific_company() to access press releases of a specific company, or get_investor_relations_news_company() to access a specific company’s investor relations announcements.

Press releases from a specific company

Combine the methods get_entity_search_results() and get_stories_specific_company() to access press releases published by a specific company.

First, initialize the API and use get_entity_search_results() to search the API’s database for any results matching the company you are looking for. For example the company “ARD”:

>>> from pypresseportal import PresseportalApi
>>> api_object = PresseportalApi(YOUR_API_KEY)
>>> search_results = api_object.get_entity_search_results(search_term=["ARD"], entity="company")

Next, inspect the search results. get_entity_search_results() returns a list of all companies matching your search string. Note that get_entity_search_results() will return None if the API did not find any matching entries, so make sure to check first:

>>> if search_results:  # Check if search yielded any results
>>>     for company in search_results:
>>>         print(,
6694 ARD Das Erste
22512 ARD ZDF
29876 ARD Presse
64887 ARDEX GmbH
73846 ARD Das Erste / ZDF

Finally, pick the id of the company you were looking for and pass it to get_stories_specific_company(), using the attribute id :

>>> company_stories = api_object.get_stories_specific_company(id=search_results[0].id)
>>> for story in company_stories:
>>>     print(story.title)
>>>     print(story.body)
Das Erste / "Wenn Frauen Austern essen" - der erste Gewinner des "Tatort"-Votings zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum der Krimireihe (FOTO)
München (ots) - 143.997 Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer aus Deutschland und Österreich beteiligten sich an der ersten Abstimmungsrunde des Sommer-Events.

Investor relations announcements from a specific company keeps investor relations announcements by public companies separated from regular press releases. Combine the methods get_entity_search_results() and get_investor_relations_news_company() to access investor relations announcements from a specific company.

First, initialize the API and use get_entity_search_results() to search the API’s database for any results matching the company you are looking for. For example the company “Fraport”:

>>> from pypresseportal import PresseportalApi
>>> api_object = PresseportalApi(YOUR_API_KEY)
>>> search_results = api_object.get_entity_search_results(search_term=["Fraport"], entity="company")

Next, inspect the search results. get_entity_search_results() returns a list of all companies matching your search string. Note that get_entity_search_results() will return None if the API did not find any matching entries, so make sure to check first:

>>> if search_results:  # Check if search yielded any results
>>>     for company in search_results:
>>>         print(,
31522 Fraport AG

Optionally, you can now use the method get_company_information() to query the API for more information about the company, such as WKN, ISIN or the company’s RSS feed:

>>> company_info = api_object.get_company_information(id=search_results[0].id)
>>> print(company_info.wkn)
>>> print(company_info.isin)
>>> print(company_info.rss)

Finally, use the get_investor_relations_news_company() method with the id you acquired above to access the company’s most recent investor relations press releases:

>>> investor_relations_stories = api_object.get_investor_relations_news_company(search_results[0].id)
>>> for story in investor_relations_stories:
>>>     print(story.title)
>>>     print(story.body)
EANS-Hinweisbekanntmachung: Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide /
Bekanntmachung gemäß § 37v, 37w, 37x ff. WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten
Hiermit gibt die Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide bekannt,